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A program which assists students with receiving in-state tuition when they wish to pursue a program not offered by a university in their state. 有15个参与者 这个项目中的国家.

  • 是15个参与国之一的居民
  • Select an eligible program for residents of your home state
  • 完成学校的录取政策
  • Be certified as a resident of your home state by contacting your ACM coordinator.

312玫瑰L. 公园大道

  • 佛罗里达州和佐治亚州
    • Master of Science, Industrial Organizational Psychology
  • Louisiana
    • Bachelor of Science in 领导 with Leading Operations concentration
    • Bachelor of Science in 领导 with Leading People concentration
    • Master of Arts Communication Arts with Media Management concentration



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To locate your ACM state representative, please select the appropriate link below:






















*Questions and answers were taken from the SREB website. 


  • Acceptance into the 学术共同市场 will be determined by degree program availability 以及居住证明.
  • Generally, you will be required to provide evidence of your residency, providing such documents as a driver’s license, voter registration, state tax return or other documents 国家可能会要求.
  • The specific required documents and certification vary with each state. 
  • Many states do not set a deadline to submit the application to the state ACM coordinator; however, some do. Please check with your state coordinator to determine any deadlines for application 提交.
  • 申请处理时间可能会有所不同. 对于现有的ACM课程,请允许两个 to three months for processing after you’ve submitted an application. 如果你要求 a new program for the ACM, please allow four to six months for processing time, as 处理新程序可能需要更长的时间.
  • To avoid the last-minute flood of applications (particularly in July and August) and tuition adjustments, it’s wise to start the application process early and before registration 发生.
  • 请访问您所在州的ACM网页以获取更多信息.
  • Once you have completed the ACM application materials and residency verification documents, your home state ACM coordinator will determine your eligibility to participate in 这个项目.
  • The coordinator also determines the certification date (for the current term or for 下一项).
  • There is no need to reapply for ACM participation once you have received approval from the home state ACM coordinator, as long as you are continuously enrolled in the institution, you do not change majors, and you maintain your home state residency.
  • If your eligibility to participate in the ACM changes, you will need to be recertified by your home state ACM coordinator if you wish to reapply.
  • Many states do not set a deadline to submit the application to the state ACM coordinator; 然而,有些人确实如此. Please check with your state coordinator to determine any deadlines 递交申请.
  • 申请处理时间可能会有所不同. 对于现有的ACM课程,请允许两个 to three months for processing after you’ve submitted an application. 如果你要求 a new program for the ACM, please allow four to six months for processing time, as 处理新程序可能需要更长的时间.
  • To avoid the last-minute flood of applications (particularly in July and August) and tuition adjustments, it’s wise to start the application process early and before registration 发生.
  • 每个州都有一个特定的申请流程. 有关更多信息,请参阅链接 在您所在州的ACM网页上.
  • Yes, the ACM/Electronic Campus offers students the opportunity to pursue certified 通过远程学习获得学位. 同样的资格要求适用于 ACM/EC关于ACM.
  • Texas does not include online degree programs in its ACM inventory.
  • First-professional degree programs, such as law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and optometry are not offered in the ACM and cannot be requested.
  • If you are interested in a program that is not on the 学术共同市场 program list for your state, it may be for the following reasons:
    • 这个项目是在你的家乡提供的.
    • 这是一个高需求的项目.
    • 该课程采用单一学费.
    • The college or university may not participate in the ACM or ACM/EC.
    • State legislation may not allow for participation at all levels.
  • If 这个项目 you are interested in does meet the ACM guidelines, you may request 将程序添加到库存中. 请与您所在州的ACM协调员联系 more information about adding programs and to send an inquiry on your behalf.
  • Since 2009, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) is not processing any new requests for additions to the inventory of out-of-state programs available 弗吉尼亚居民通过ACM. 这一限制将持续到 进一步的通知. Virginia residents may submit applications only for programs listed 在当前库存中. For more information, please visit the State Council of 弗吉尼亚的高等教育 website.
  • Since 2009, the Maryland Higher Education Commission no longer accepts requests from 马里兰的居民 to add new programs to be available through the Academic Common Market. 这一限制将持续到 进一步的通知. 马里兰的居民 may submit applications only for programs listed 在当前库存中. For more information, please visit the Maryland Higher Education Commission’s website.
  • First-professional degree programs, such as law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and optometry, are not offered in the ACM and cannot be requested.

Most ACM institutions will not require you to pay back tuition for the years that you received ACM benefits if you change your major or program to one that is not approved 或在您所在州可用. 然而,如果你换了专业 during a semester, the institution may charge you the out-of-state tuition rate for 这学期. If you change your major to a different program that is included in the 学术共同市场, you must be re-certified by your state coordinator.

更多常见问题解答可在 SREB website.