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Academic Common Market (ACM)

学术共同市场(ACM)是一个为大学设计的学费节省计划 居住在16个南部地区教育委员会(SREB)成员国的学生. ACM允许学生支付州内学费来学习没有提供的课程 in their home state, provided they have been accepted into an approved degree program at a participating ACM institution. 更多的信息可以在下面找到 link: http://www.sreb.org/page/1304/academic_common_market.html

Academic Program

学术课程是一套连贯的课程,可以获得证书(学位), 由学校颁发的文凭或证书.

Academic Unit


Area of Emphasis

A grouping of courses that provides a focus to the students' time and course selection in a specific area of the discipline. 


中心是一个地理位置上与主校区分开的教学场所. 一个中心是永久性的,提供教育项目的课程 获得学位、文凭、证书或其他公认的教育证书.  A 根据THEC政策,中心需要一名全职主任.  An example is the Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell.

Certificate Program

证书课程是一个独立的学分课程. If a proposed certificate program is 24 credit hours or less in length at the undergraduate or graduate level, 它需要365bet批准并通知THEC. If a proposed certificate is more than 24 hours in length, submission and approval of the full THEC new program process (i.e.、录取通知书、新课程建议书等.) is required.



Online Courses

An identical course that is offered under two different sections and has two different Course Registration Numbers (CRN's) and then merged into one D2L section for instruction.

Collaborative Program

Two or more institutions share resources and capitalize on the strengths of each institution 创建一个程序,而不是用相同的资源创建相同的程序. All participating institutions are involved in decisions about the curriculum, course assignment, evaluation, 入学标准和退出要求. Applicants will apply to the institution of their choice and will be awarded the degree from that institution they are accepted to and attend.   田纳西州中部社会工作协作硕士就是一个例子 Program.


大学里的教学单位,通常包括几个学院 学院系,通常由院长或主任管理. As defined here, the “学院”一词不适用于被称为学院的独立机构,例如 社区学院或技术学院”(THEC政策A).3.1A). Also see School.


A concentration is an approved grouping of courses that provides a focus to the students' 在他们专业的特定领域的时间和课程选择. A concentration is included on a student's transcript.

According to 365bet program guidelines, concentrations must be 9 or more SCH for undergraduate 研究生课程12个或更多的SCH. If a concentration is successful 至少五(5)年关于THEC的招生预期,365bet 是否有资格提议集中成为专业. 365bet is responsible 用于收集和跟踪注册数据. 

Cooperative Program

两个或更多的机构合作提供相同但独立的课程. Each institution has full control of their respective program, independently admits students and awards degrees.


A course with the same subject matter and is taught by two distinct departments and 能满足主修、辅修或课程要求吗. (course may require a substitution MGT 3410和ENGT 3610生产操作 Management is an example.


A degree is an approved program that results in the award of an Associate, Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degree.

Degree designation

学位指定包括:AA, AAS, BA, BS, BBA, BFA, MS, MA, MFA, EdD, PhD, etc. 学位指定不一定与任何特定学科有关 matter.

 Department 一个包含一个独立的研究分支或围绕其组织起来的教学单元 common and similar academic areas and is usually administered by a department chair" (THEC Policy A 1.3.1A).
 Division "An instructional unit that usually included two or more departments within a college 或由助理院长或副院长管理的大学”(THEC Policy A 1.3.1A).

涵盖相同内容的课程,但在本科生和本科生中都开设 研究生水平或研究生和博士水平. For courses being dual-listed at the graduate and doctoral level, they should be within 1000 numbering of one another, 研究生学术委员会可以根据具体情况作出例外规定. (EDUC 4720教育问题和EDUC 5430教育高级问题)*

General Education Core

365bet’s vision is to create a collaborative, integrative learning community, instilling 在学生获得知识、技能和价值观的过程中养成批判性探究的习惯 for life and work in a global society. 这是通识教育的基础 core requirements. 通识教育课程有意为学生提供这样的机会 以这些广泛的方式准备:有效的沟通,分析性思维和 approaching unstructured problems through a broad base of knowledge in multiple disciplines 这可能与特定学位课程的技术方面无关. The general education core consists of 41 hours from a variety of areas including Communications (9 credit hours), Mathematics (3 credit hours), History 6 credit hours), Humanities/and or Fine Arts (9 credit hours), Natural Science (8 credit hours), Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credit hours). 这些课程与推荐的田纳西州课程一致 Board of Regents (TBR) general education core guidelines to allow for consistent transfer of credits to count toward the general education core from other schools within the state of Tennessee. 更详细的通识教育核心要求清单 以及可能的课程,以满足必要的核心要求 学士学位和副学士学位都可以在 University Wide Degree Requirements in the Academic Bulletin.

Hybrid Program

This program, may be delivered using a mixture of instructional delivery methods for courses required in the program. 混合程序:1)利用至少两种 以下课程教学交付方式:面对面,在线或混合或 2) utilizes all hybrid courses. 请参阅课程安排及 their delivery method.   

Inactivation (program)

程序的失活或集中会使程序处于休眠状态 with no student admittance. 在取消项目之前,需要SACSCOC的批准. The program will remain inactive for 3 years and if not reactivated, will be terminated by THEC without notice to 365bet. 365bet负责跟踪不活跃的程序 timelines.

Instructional Delivery Method of Courses
  • 混合/混合(教学方法代码在横幅是HYB)

    Course must have both face-to-face (classroom) and online components (learning management system). 混合课程使用多种教学方法,没有一种方法是等同的 over 90% of instruction. 混合/混合课程必须提供至少50%的课程 content and interaction (instructor-to-student, student-to-student) online but less 超过90%,从而减少了课堂上的课程会议安排. For example, if a 15 week semester course that normally meets 3 days/week, and the academic department decides to offer the course (CRN) 1 day/week in person and the equivalent of 2 days/ week online, the course is Hybrid because 2/3 of the course is taught online and 1/3 is taught in person.

  • 混合灯:(横幅中的教学方法代码为HYBL)

    Course must have both face-to-face (classroom) and online components (learning management system).  混合光课程必须提供至少10%但少于50%的课程 内容和互动(教师对学生,学生对学生)在线领导 减少了课堂上的课程会议. For example, if a 15 week semester course that normally meets 5 days/week, and the academic department decides to offer the course (CRN) 4 days/week in person and one/day week online, the 课程是Hybrid Light,因为20%的课程是在线授课,80%是在线授课 in person.

  • 完全在线/网络:(Banner中的教学方法代码是Web)

    All course content, interaction (instructor-to-student, student-to-student), and exams must 通过学习管理系统100%在线交付 and online proctoring.

  • 传统:(教学方法代码在横幅是CON)

    教师和学生在同一间教室上课的课程 same time. 本课程可以包括使用额外的学习管理系统 参考资料,作业,评估或其他有用的工具的投递箱, 但是,此组件不会考虑指令时间,也不会导致 减少面对面课程的坐席时间.

  • 限制在线/网页:(横幅中的教学方法代码为Web)

    所有课程内容和互动(教师对学生,学生对学生)必须 通过学习管理系统100%在线交付. Students must report 到学校或经批准的考点参加监考.

  • 桌面视频会议:(横幅中的教学方法代码为DVC)

    Course is taught live (synchronous) with video-conferencing where course content is delivered at a scheduled time.     

Interdisciplinary Program

An interdisciplinary program is one in which multiple field of study combine to create 在课程作业和研究方面的新领域或学科.  Frequently, 这是关于在学科发展的过程中生活在学科边缘的 new fields of knowledge.


在某一特定的学习领域可能是有薪或无薪的工作经验. The internship 将课堂知识与实际工作经验相结合.


专业指的是副学士或学士级别的学位授予项目. A Major的设计是为了展示连贯性. “The term “coherence”…. reflects an expectation that, as a student progresses through a program of study, the content of the program 要求提高知识整合水平. Coherence is a critical component of a program and should demonstrate an appropriate sequencing of courses, not a mere bundling of credits, so that student learning is progressively more advanced in terms 所要求的作业和奖学金,并表现出进步 一个可以让学生整合知识并在批判性中成长的研究领域 (SACSCOC资源手册,标准9).1, p. 76).

 Major Core 所有专业的学生都要修的课程,无论他们的专业是什么 a student may declare. 本科阶段的专业核心应至少为 学时长度为18学时,不超过42学时. The Major Core 在研究生阶段应该至少9个学分的长度,不超过 18 credit hours in length. 
Major Guided Electives

A list of courses in the discipline or related discipline of the major that a student 可以从主修课程中选择一个计入学分吗. Departments are not required 在课程要求中加入专业指导选修课. If the department chooses 在课程要求中加入专业指导选修课, the Major Guided Electives 应该少于或等于30学时的长度. Major Guided Electives 在研究生阶段应少于或等于21学时的长度 

Major Prerequisite from Gen Ed Core 通识教育核心课程中的特定课程是通识教育核心课程的先决条件 Major. 这些课程在限定范围内被视为通识教育核心课程的一部分 通识教育核心的要求. 

辅修指的是副学士或学士级别的学位授予项目.  A minor requires approval from the Provost and does not typically require THEC approval 除非一个新的未成年人需要花钱来启动和/或维持.

Multidisciplinary Program

A multidisciplinary program (commonly referred to general studies) incorporates coursework 从任意数量的学科变成一个单一的课程. Students may have the ability to customize coursework to align with their personal interests and educational goals. 跨学科并不等同于多学科. See interdisciplinary program definition.

Off-Campus Instructional Sites

Instruction which takes place at an approved university site with university faculty. Courses may be online if students are required to be at the location to log into the course. 

Online Program

所有课程内容完全在线提供. While online courses may require proctored exams, students should never be required to report to campus or other physical locations. 如果需要监考,教师必须使用虚拟监考 是由远程教育部门提供的.

Optional Electives 任何大学范围内的本科课程,课程编号在2000,3000,或 4000 level. 这些课程不是学生申报的学科的一部分 major.
Program Development

 学院发展新的学术专业,集中和证书 alignment with the University mission and THEC master plan and their subsequent approval by the appropriate entities. 

Reactivation (program)

已被停用的程序可以在三(3)年内重新激活 the date the program was made inactive. If an inactive program is not reactivated within the three-year time period, THEC will terminate the program without notifying 365bet.

 School 大学里的教学单位,通常包括几个学术单位 学院系,通常由院长或主任管理. As defined here, the term "college" does not pertain to separate institutions known as colleges, such as 社区学院或技术学院" (THEC Policy A 1.3.1A). Also see College.

A site is an instructional location geographically apart from the main campus, however is not independent. 一个网站提供可以获得学位的教育课程, 文凭、证书或其他认可的教育证书.  365bet must seek 在提供50%或更多学分之前,必须事先获得SACSCOC的批准 在现场攻读学位或证书课程.

Study Abroad

指令在国外的指定地点进行 signed memorandum of understanding. 

Termination (program)

学术课程的终止将使该课程完全从365bet中删除 学术课程和THEC的记录. SACSCOC approval is required before a program can be terminated. 如果365bet希望在以后的时间提供该计划,a full program application (i.e.、通知书、申请书等.) and THEC approval is required.

TN eCampus

TN eccampus于2016年推出,是一个单一的门户网站,提供500多种在线服务 学位选择由田纳西州的公共机构提供,并由 staff of the Tennessee Board of Regents. 在线课程包括证书课程, 副学士学位、学士、硕士学位和博士学位. All programs 这些课程与校园里提供的课程是一样的. No differentiation 是在网上和实地交付成绩单或文凭之间进行的.